Citation - New York Journal-Poughkeepsie: 1778.08.03

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Index Entry Epigram [t] [beg] How hard is your Congress' exacted conditions! 
Location Poughkeepsie 
3 Aug 1778:23 (1784)
An Epigram.
"How hard is your Congress' exacted conditions!"
Cry the gentlemen come with pacific commissions.
"Withdrawing our troops, they premise, and our fleet
"And on no other terms with they deign to treat!"
. . . [10 more lines, signed] Poughkeepsie, August 1, 1778.

Generic Title New York Journal-Poughkeepsie 
Date 1778.08.03 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State Poughkeepsie, NY 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0028962
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